Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Quilting - Step #1 - Supplies

So...while so many other parts of my life are causing nervous strife right now, I feel like once I get going on this project I'll be well on my way to being self-sustaining, and able to make an income from home.

Speaking of which, there are a LOT of things I need to get started! Just off the top of my head...

  1. SEWING MACHINE (and its necessary accessories)
  2. fabrics (yardage, scraps, charm packs, jelly rolls....who knew they came in so many "flavors"???)
  3. rotary rulers (that won't damage the cutters)
  4. rotary cutter 
  5. self-healing mat(s) for cutting
  6. notebook for printed patterns
  7. books, dvds, anything that helps educate!
  8. thread of all colors
  9. work space (easily solved once we move at the end of March)
  10. frame/hoop/hand needles (in the event I get brave and bored enough to hand-quilt for a bit)
I'm certain I'm forgetting some things! And everything costs just a little bit more than you want it to of course. I just keep telling myself that once I get going, and make my first sale, it will SO be worth it :-)

UPDATE!!! I've gotten my self-healing cutting mat in the mail...this thing is bigger than expected and totally cool! Next stop...hopefully a sewing machine! Now off to bed...

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