Saturday, February 16, 2013

Stork Craft Crib and Combo Dresser

For our little Jayden, I found an adorable (and AFFORDABLE) crib and changing table on We got them both in cherry, and they match beautifully, even though they are from slightly different collections within the Stork Craft family (crib is Valentia and dresser is Aspen). They both come in a variety of finishes and even though we had to assemble them ourselves (mostly me haha even though I was VERY third trimester), they seem solid and durable. Definitely worth saving the money to do it yourself and deal with it being shipped.

These were gifts by the way from the WONDERFUL though I'd see them as anything but family :-)

Both images below usefully take you to the product to read reviews and such for yourself, and though we haven't gotten to use them yet I'm very satisfied with MIL's purchase! Jayden likes his crib (I think lol) and it looks so good in his nursery...BUT you may need to put it together IN the room of choice, since we had to take off the front to get it into his room after we moved (it was originally not in a room).


Nursing Pillows!!!


Like many trendy/non-rich moms that want to be prepared for everything (yeah right, I know haha), I fully intended to get the cutest Boppy(R) nursing pillow I could find. Hey, I have the Boppy(R) mommy pillow as I like to call it, and the thing does NOT leave the bed under any circumstances until after Jayden has made his big appearance hahaha.

Well...for those same moms that have had to accept the fact that they are on a...BUDGET...I've come across TWO promo codes for a nursing pillow for FREE (unless, like me, you opt to pay an extra $5.00 for the minky kind) and all you pay is the $12.95 shipping...well that certainly helps our budgets!!!! I haven't received mine yet, but I HAVE ordered it, just now actually, and I got YET ANOTHER three codes for a nursing cover, carseat canopy, and baby sling as well (two of which I've already gotten my own free version, one coming in the mail, and I can't wait to use them and post reviews!).

So, the website, Nursing Pillow, has a selection of 9 patterned and 6 minky covers to choose from on their site, with the patterns costing $39.95 and the minkys on sale right now for $44.95. I chose s blue minky since none of the patterns really went with the decor I'm planning for baby boy (I have an odd sense of matching), and BOTH the promo codes I've come across are for $40.00 off your shopping cart, so you an choose whatever you like, including the sets that they have for $49.95 that include Milk Bands nursing bracelets and breast pads! The codes are below for your pleasure, they are both active right now, and the one I used is the first one.

CODES: BabiesOnline & FAMILY2013

For those that were not intending to use a Boppy-style breastfeeding pillow and were looking for a bit more support, I understand that the My Breast Friend is another front-runner. Below is a cute one (and its also a link to buy or look at other styles)...

For those waiting for the OTHER THREE free promo codes I mentioned, see below for the car seat canopy, nursing cover, and baby carrier online:

Use Promo Code "BABIESBUMP" on all three websites below for 100% off the car seat canopy of your choice (a $49.95 value), 100% off the Udder Covers™ brand nursing cover of your choice (a $39.95 value) AND 100% off the Seven™ brand baby carrier of your choice (a $39.95 value)- while supplies last!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Birth plans again...more serious thoughts

So...after my close run-in at WBWC where I go for prenatal care (i.e. really REALLY hoping they don't ask to see my birth plan lol), I've compiled some things to think about for my own birth plan and ways to get started. I've also listed what I think are the top 5 most user & baby-brain friendly websites to help get your mental juices jump-started. 3 of them even have downloadable worksheets while - get this - the Earth Mama Angel Baby site customizes their form for you by having you select your options as you read!

While you may have come across this post in order to help you either decide whether to make a birth plan, or to get help on your own, I figure the best way to get help is from experts and experience...and unfortunately I haven't even written mine yet!!! So - maybe there will be an update here once I've got a little work under my belt.

Meanwhile, I have listed the websites for your enjoyment, and a note on the usefulness of the "birth plan", as the internet may lead some mommas to doubt the confidence and help it can lend - yes, planning a birth is just downright idiotic and impossible - but tell that to your OB/GYN, that wants your labor to go according to certain standards or they'll intervene, or the nurse that insists on a epidural so that you're more "comfortable", or the doc that agrees you're too tired to do what you were made for and should just settle on a c-section. While there are unavoidable and unforseeable emergencies, we're meant to do what we WANT, and what our bodies tell us is best, no matter what standard practice is. A birth plan, while to some may make you seem defensive, is merely a tool to remind you of what you wanted to begin with, and the information that you wanted to obtain before agreeing to make any forks in your road to childbirth. Often women forget that the little piece of paper you have to sign before EVERYTHING is called INFORMED CONSENT, and birth plans also help remind you to remain INFORMED, especially if you're consenting to something you did not originally bargain for. I truly believe that every person and birth is unique, and not everyone views things the same way, but your views are all that matter in your birth, regardless of what happens along the road.

Happy reading!!!

Some sites that may be helpful for your birth plan, as well as for other mommy-like things:

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Quick post - Happy Valentine's Day to all my visitors, but most importantly to my wonderful husband!!! I love you so much, you're an amazing (and unique) man and I wouldn't trade you (most days) for anything in the world!!!

Also - 37 weeks 2 days today - come on out baby, you're running out of room!!!!!

Husband and I below:

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Birth Plan...time to get started

So...(my signature start it seems)...

I need a birth plan!!! Especially seeing as I'm 37 weeks as of today. But unlike most birth plans created with being in an intervention-filled hospital in mind, I'll be in a birth center - which dramatically changes the context of the plan lol. Instead of being so protective-minded of my freedom (i.e. I don't want this, I don't want that, keep this away, no students, no 18,000 checks by random nurses every seeming half hour, etc...) its more for what I DO want...which is freaking VAGUE to me right now!!! What happened to my assertive, know-what-I-want mind set? Hmmmmm...BABY BRAIN!!! And I think my main fear right now has been completely different from what I expected it to so many words...practice.

Honestly, I should have seen this coming. In birthing class I don't like to do things that draw attention to me directly unless its asking a question or speaking my mind. But I've always been that way, its just been so long since its been tested. I even became anxious about practicing comfort positions in the class, and there are only 3 couples attending! I've gotten over that mostly, but if I'm not interested, I just can't make myself do it, I really can't. It makes me uncomfortable and, to say the least, a little upset. I learn just fine by watching, I don't always (or often) feel the need to demonstrate. Well, this aside...I need a birth plan lol. Or rather, a birth sketch, since planning a birth is in all senses of the phrase ridiculous. So, a few points to remind myself to complete/add:

  • whether or not to get a shot of pitocin immediately after the birth to decrease postpartum bleeding (recommended by my midwives, and despite my HATRED of needles, I'll probably be doing this one)
  • whether or not to get the antibiotic ointment on Jayden's eyes once he's born (typically erythromycin, popularized when most moms had chlamydia or gonorrhea at birth to prevent some these days its still "necessary" despite all the excessive testing of moms prenatally...and for some reason the natural flora of our vaginas could be
  • to have music playing (and to create the freaking playlists well as remember the iPod and iHome when we go)
  • to perhaps have candles burning for the scent, not so much the lighting
  • to have minimal interventions - unlike in a hospital, I mean more along the lines of minimal interruptions
  • to have the visitors I choose as I feel
  • no bottles or pacifiers for Jayden (not so much a worry either at the center)
  • my wishes in the event he's breech
  • my wishes in the event an emergency c-section is needed (surrounding it...obviously if its an emergency I shouldn't protest...but I'd be dern sure it was necessary FIRST)
  • my wishes in the event I transfer to a hospital (which would then set in motion trying to avoid all those little things I want to avoid, and possibly needing to write them down)
Crap. I need all this mostly on paper no later than tomorrow afternoon for my next appointment. Crap. What else am I forgetting....??? OH! Directions to our place for the birth center, since we get a postpartum home visit too.

Oh man baby brain complicates things.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Quilting - Step #1 - Supplies

So...while so many other parts of my life are causing nervous strife right now, I feel like once I get going on this project I'll be well on my way to being self-sustaining, and able to make an income from home.

Speaking of which, there are a LOT of things I need to get started! Just off the top of my head...

  1. SEWING MACHINE (and its necessary accessories)
  2. fabrics (yardage, scraps, charm packs, jelly rolls....who knew they came in so many "flavors"???)
  3. rotary rulers (that won't damage the cutters)
  4. rotary cutter 
  5. self-healing mat(s) for cutting
  6. notebook for printed patterns
  7. books, dvds, anything that helps educate!
  8. thread of all colors
  9. work space (easily solved once we move at the end of March)
  10. frame/hoop/hand needles (in the event I get brave and bored enough to hand-quilt for a bit)
I'm certain I'm forgetting some things! And everything costs just a little bit more than you want it to of course. I just keep telling myself that once I get going, and make my first sale, it will SO be worth it :-)

UPDATE!!! I've gotten my self-healing cutting mat in the mail...this thing is bigger than expected and totally cool! Next stop...hopefully a sewing machine! Now off to bed...

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Early or Late...???

So...I think I'm officially getting tired of ALL of the below comments:

  1. "It's your first, he's going to come late"
  2. "You're trying so hard to get him to come early that he's going to come late"
  3. "There's no way you'll have him before your due date"
I mean, what is with people? NUMBER ONE...whatever happened to you while you are pregnant, WILL NOT automatically happen to every pregnant person you know...isn't that the first thing you learn during your first pregnancy? Ignore the well-meaning "projectors"? You would think people would remember that AFTER they give birth, and I really hope that I just share stories rather than projecting my experiences onto someone else.

NUMBER TWO...If you have NEVER BEEN PREGNANT and HAVE NO MEDICAL in the world are you qualified to tell me that because I am "trying so hard" for him to come (without anything specific to reference as "trying" by the way, just my constant wishing) that he will come LATE?! Grow a brain, really.

Okay, Its too warm in my office today to let emotions heat me up, end of rant! :-)

Saturday, February 2, 2013

I think I've found a craft to pursue...

So...(do I always do that?)...due to my anxious need to always be doing more, I believe I've found a way to bring in a few dollars (I mean, hopefully a lot more than that) while I'm out of work on Maternity leave. Since short term disability will probably cover only exactly 6 weeks at a pretty much NOTHING rate of pay, I need something creative to do, around constantly loving on my little bundle of course.

Well, I've found it - QUILTING!!!

I know I know, sounds like its for old people and log cabins...but that's the point!!! I want to make something for my little bundle he can pass on, just like my baby blanket my mom crocheted for me before I was born - which I still have! I also am NOT a fan of most patterns and blankets and such made for little boys....he's a boy for crying out loud, it DOES NOT mean he and his mother have ABSOLUTELY no taste in clothing or bedding, and are fine with buying everything with a baseball or car on it. Ugh.

Well, after that rant...hahaha...I intend to start with a quilt for Jayden to drag around, and perhaps make his entire bedding set myself for his crib. After that perhaps other stylish boys baby bedding, and girls as well of course. And larger, made to order quilts as well, once I get an idea of how long each one will take me and get set up in our new place. I tend to be pretty good with crafting....this is just something new :)

Well followers, I'll set up an etsy shop in the next couple of months, and maybe even attend a few events and try to sell them in person. I'll definitely take custom orders, and they will all be different, modern, and unique! Some designs, some patchwork...I'm getting too excited to sit still! I'll also be getting one of those SQUARE readers so that if you encounter me in person and want the quilt that I've got available...well you can just swipe your card :-)

Man...I'm getting all the front work done, all that will be left is to just get quilting and see how it goes!!!

More to come soon!

Braxton Hicks

So, during my appointment a few days ago at WBWC - the 31st I do believe - I experienced my first Braxton hicks contraction!

Okay, let me edit that statement...earlier during the appointment I had been asked if I've been experiencing any contractions and I'd said no...with a very, very sad face (considering I am DONE carrying around this heavy little boy lol). Later, while feeling around my belly and making sure Jayden was still head down (which he is) the midwife says "Do you feel that? How your tummy is hard?" I said yes of course, considering the thing is attached to me haha. Well, her response was "that was a contraction!".

Well color me crazy. Either I'm having one of those very mild pregnancies, I'm oblivious to things that should make me uncomfortable (probable), or....well no, I think its one of those. So, its quite likely I'd had a few already, and just didn't notice. HOWEVER, ever since my appointment it seems to happen almost once an hour! I mean, is there a switch or something that gets turned on???

Lord help me, lol. Still doesn't hurt, its just inconvenient and uncomfortable depending on what I'm doing. Or entertaining if I'm doing nothing. Apparently, according to those I know who have had children, they can hurt, or be uncomfortable to the point of pausing whatever they're doing. Someone even asked me at work what was wrong with me because I thought they were entertaining. Just goes to show that while advice and previous experience stories can be useful, they should also be taken with a grain of salt, and only YOUR OWN situation should be applied to you.

I've added a link to some more information - easy style rather than medical jargon, courtesy of the What to Expect (R) website - regarding these interesting events.

Happy Reading!