Thursday, February 14, 2013

Birth plans again...more serious thoughts

So...after my close run-in at WBWC where I go for prenatal care (i.e. really REALLY hoping they don't ask to see my birth plan lol), I've compiled some things to think about for my own birth plan and ways to get started. I've also listed what I think are the top 5 most user & baby-brain friendly websites to help get your mental juices jump-started. 3 of them even have downloadable worksheets while - get this - the Earth Mama Angel Baby site customizes their form for you by having you select your options as you read!

While you may have come across this post in order to help you either decide whether to make a birth plan, or to get help on your own, I figure the best way to get help is from experts and experience...and unfortunately I haven't even written mine yet!!! So - maybe there will be an update here once I've got a little work under my belt.

Meanwhile, I have listed the websites for your enjoyment, and a note on the usefulness of the "birth plan", as the internet may lead some mommas to doubt the confidence and help it can lend - yes, planning a birth is just downright idiotic and impossible - but tell that to your OB/GYN, that wants your labor to go according to certain standards or they'll intervene, or the nurse that insists on a epidural so that you're more "comfortable", or the doc that agrees you're too tired to do what you were made for and should just settle on a c-section. While there are unavoidable and unforseeable emergencies, we're meant to do what we WANT, and what our bodies tell us is best, no matter what standard practice is. A birth plan, while to some may make you seem defensive, is merely a tool to remind you of what you wanted to begin with, and the information that you wanted to obtain before agreeing to make any forks in your road to childbirth. Often women forget that the little piece of paper you have to sign before EVERYTHING is called INFORMED CONSENT, and birth plans also help remind you to remain INFORMED, especially if you're consenting to something you did not originally bargain for. I truly believe that every person and birth is unique, and not everyone views things the same way, but your views are all that matter in your birth, regardless of what happens along the road.

Happy reading!!!

Some sites that may be helpful for your birth plan, as well as for other mommy-like things:

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