Thursday, April 25, 2013

Jayden's first stuffy nose

On Wednesday Jayden got his first stuffy nose. A bunch of sneezing and coughing (from not being able to nose breathe momentarily) along with general fussiness and refusal to calm and sleep. He also stopped nursing as well and refusing to open his mouth wide, possibly due to sinus pressure according to an IBCLC that I know.

After continuing to nurse on demand (something I never knew I would secretly LOVE) my nipples were beginning to get a bit sore from his decrease in good latching. After a little success with having dad hold him in the bathroom while I took a long HOT shower to help clear his sinuses, I finally broke down and drug my family to Sweetbottoms to see what we could find for him. *tiny bit of background - Sweetbottoms is a local everything natural baby and mommy stuff store but they also deliver for FREE! They have QUITE an amazing collection of cloth diapers too!*

Well, at Sweetbottoms I found two SUPER useful things for Jayden's stuffy nose. I was hoping to find the Nosefrida in person and just buy that, since I'd have to wait two days with my Amazon Prime membership, and that little blue bulb was just NOT cutting it and making my little man scream in irritation. Well, I DID find the Nosefrida (yayyy!) but then I noted a very similar product next to it. Same price. I asked the lady working which was more recommended, and she said that the Nosefrida was purchased more because it was more well known. Also intriguing. Well, it came down to lifetime cost for me...the Nosefrida would need filter replacements, where this new product, called Baby Comfy Nose, uses a wadded up piece of tissue as its filter! $4.99 for filters or just add tissue that's in the house??? A no-brainer! One other thing we purchased was the LuSa Organics Chest Rub - which I diluted a small portion one part rub one part EVOO since he's still so young. Amazing product.

Below are the suggestions I received for helping my little one, along with a link to an amazing product I found that did the most help in relieving his nasal congestion.
  • breastmilk in the nose
  • nice hot bath (as hot as you can stand and hold baby above it until it cools to a baby-friendly temperature)
  • mentholated stuff to rub on
  • face massage
  • baby Tylenol or baby Motrin for real fussiness
  • - the website for the amazing nasal aspirator we got, CAN be found in stores, mostly baby specialty shops like Sweetbottoms

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