Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Birth Plan...time to get started

So...(my signature start it seems)...

I need a birth plan!!! Especially seeing as I'm 37 weeks as of today. But unlike most birth plans created with being in an intervention-filled hospital in mind, I'll be in a birth center - which dramatically changes the context of the plan lol. Instead of being so protective-minded of my freedom (i.e. I don't want this, I don't want that, keep this away, no students, no 18,000 checks by random nurses every seeming half hour, etc...) its more for what I DO want...which is freaking VAGUE to me right now!!! What happened to my assertive, know-what-I-want mind set? Hmmmmm...BABY BRAIN!!! And I think my main fear right now has been completely different from what I expected it to so many words...practice.

Honestly, I should have seen this coming. In birthing class I don't like to do things that draw attention to me directly unless its asking a question or speaking my mind. But I've always been that way, its just been so long since its been tested. I even became anxious about practicing comfort positions in the class, and there are only 3 couples attending! I've gotten over that mostly, but if I'm not interested, I just can't make myself do it, I really can't. It makes me uncomfortable and, to say the least, a little upset. I learn just fine by watching, I don't always (or often) feel the need to demonstrate. Well, this aside...I need a birth plan lol. Or rather, a birth sketch, since planning a birth is in all senses of the phrase ridiculous. So, a few points to remind myself to complete/add:

  • whether or not to get a shot of pitocin immediately after the birth to decrease postpartum bleeding (recommended by my midwives, and despite my HATRED of needles, I'll probably be doing this one)
  • whether or not to get the antibiotic ointment on Jayden's eyes once he's born (typically erythromycin, popularized when most moms had chlamydia or gonorrhea at birth to prevent some these days its still "necessary" despite all the excessive testing of moms prenatally...and for some reason the natural flora of our vaginas could be
  • to have music playing (and to create the freaking playlists well as remember the iPod and iHome when we go)
  • to perhaps have candles burning for the scent, not so much the lighting
  • to have minimal interventions - unlike in a hospital, I mean more along the lines of minimal interruptions
  • to have the visitors I choose as I feel
  • no bottles or pacifiers for Jayden (not so much a worry either at the center)
  • my wishes in the event he's breech
  • my wishes in the event an emergency c-section is needed (surrounding it...obviously if its an emergency I shouldn't protest...but I'd be dern sure it was necessary FIRST)
  • my wishes in the event I transfer to a hospital (which would then set in motion trying to avoid all those little things I want to avoid, and possibly needing to write them down)
Crap. I need all this mostly on paper no later than tomorrow afternoon for my next appointment. Crap. What else am I forgetting....??? OH! Directions to our place for the birth center, since we get a postpartum home visit too.

Oh man baby brain complicates things.

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